Capture Precious End of Life. Soulumination

Life sure can throw a powerful curve ball leaving us helpless and woeful. Such were my feeling when loosing my sister and then mother to cancer. But last night, no such gloom was present. A group of photographers met at Souluminations, where good nature, sensitivity, and generosity overflow.

Soulumination celebrates life! Here photographers volunteer to help families when their child is threatened with end of life. While memory may fade, photographs help each child live on. Soulumination charges nothing to the families, but is funded solely by donations. If you know of a grieving family, or one who might like to donate in hopes of comforting someone else, please visit Souluminations.

Big news too! In the past, Soulumination only worked with families loosing a child 18 or under. Now funding is in the works to capture adults in their final stages of life as well.

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  • Audra Edwards - Janet,

    I have been looking for your service in our state, Georgia, we are about 40 miles north of Atlanta. I was wondering if you knew of a photographer, that we will pay to take some pictures for my friend. She is loosing her long battle with cancer, is 35 and has two young children.

    I really want to capture her love for them.

    Thank you for your help! AudraReplyCancel

  • blogadmin - Hello Audra,
    I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. My heart is especially heavy and my head full of positive thoughts for her children. Photography does nothing better than to capture how precious our short moment on earth is.

    I don’t personally know anyone who services the Atlanta area. I do however have a link for you.
    Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.
    I don’t know if adults threatened with terminal illness are captured in this specific network. They will at minimum know of a local network you can tap into.

    NILMDTS describes themselves:

    The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation (NILMDTS) administers a network of more than 7,000 volunteer photographers in the United States and 25 countries. At a family’s request, a NILMDTS Affiliated Photographer will come to your hospital or hospice location and conduct a sensitive and private portrait session. The portraits are then professionally retouched and presented to the families on an archival DVD or CD that can be used to print portraits of their cherished baby.

    Our entire network of affiliated photographers graciously donate their time and talents to our families and we are proud to be able to offer our services at no cost. Your Donations are greatly needed and greatly appreciated.

    Craigslist is also an amazing place to find compassionate photographers. Perhaps post a weekly plea in the gigs section.

    What a gift for each photographer to help even one family celebrate life for years to come.
    I send thoughts of joy, hope and love to you, your friend, and to her family.

  • Kathy Edwards - My name is Kathy Edwards, and my daughter is introducing this type of photography into her work. I will soon be utilizing her myself for a series of non-profit shoots. If you would like to email her she can be reached at

  • Kathy Edwards - I apologize, I should have added that she is in Metro Atlanta.ReplyCancel